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Selected Indicators Characterizing Performance of Credit Institutions (Grouped by Size of Assets) on Mortgage Loans Market

  Credit institutions grouped by assets (in descending order) as of 01.06.2015
1-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201-500 501-810 total
1. Number of credit institutions extended mortgage loans, units 5 14 28 110 211 209 577
2. Number of mortgage loans extended to individuals, units, of which loans extended 196,286 10,594 4,496 8,113 7,675 1,073 228,237
2.1. in rubles 196,283 10,591 4,491 8,097 7,663 1,071 228,196
2.2. in foreign currency 3 3 5 16 12 2 41
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, million rubles, of which: 313,937 17,212 10,470 18,764 10,680 1,740 372,804
3. Volume of mortgage loans extended to individuals, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 313,937 17,212 10,505 18,730 10,680 1,740 372,804
3.1. in rubles 313,929 17,193 10,161 18,316 10,020 1,712 371,332
3.2. in foreign currency 8 19 309 448 660 28 1,472
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, million rubles, of which: 2,671,220 354,607 247,407 252,528 50,103 11,111 3,586,975
4. Debt on mortgage loans, extended by credit institutions, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 2,671,220 354,607 246,489 253,445 50,103 11,111 3,586,975
4.1. in rubles 2,648,355 320,698 228,521 222,759 42,956 10,745 3,474,034
4.2. in foreign currency 22,865 33,909 18,886 29,769 7,147 366 112,941
4.3. of which:overdue, - total 29,571 8,643 6,988 4,063 1,560 114 50,938
4.3.1. in rubles 22,203 3,325 4,515 2,207 922 114 33,286
4.3.2. in foreign currency 7,368 5,318 2,473 1,856 638 0 17,652
5. Weighted average maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5. Average weighted maturity, months, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
5.1. in rubles 174.7 172.4 188.9 172.7 107.2 99.1 172.7
5.2. in foreign currency 164.6 170.6 50.3 50.3 25.0 11.1 40.4
6. Weighted average interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6. Average weighted interest rate, %, of which on loans extended: X X X X X X X
6.1. in rubles 14.10 15.00 14.60 14.00 16.80 15.50 14.22
6.2. in foreign currency 8.10 11.50 9.90 9.70 12.90 11.50 10.74
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, million rubles, of which: 17,157 6,969 20,370 18,100 15,373 565 78,534
7. Rights of claim under mortgage loans, - total, millions of rubles, of which: 17,157 6,969 19,482 18,988 15,373 565 78,534
7.1. in rubles 9,470 3,773 12,646 10,249 15,173 472 51,783
7.2. in foreign currency 7,687 3,196 7,724 7,851 200 93 26,751

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 11.11.2016