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Selected Indicators of Loans in Rubles Granted to Resident Individuals

volume of loans total, million rubles including
housing loans of which:
number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % mortgage loans of which:
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, % against the pledge of claims under share construction participation agreements
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month number of granted loans, units volume, million rubles Weighted average maturity, months Weighted average interest rate, %
on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month on loans extended since the beginning of the year on loans extended over the month
The Russian Federation 8,701,646 1,036,834 2,074,145 193.9 196.0 9.57 9.41 1,033,354 2,070,498 194.1 196.2 9.56 9.41 263,234 613,115 194.8 195.1 9.32 9.11
CENTRAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 2,776,261 246,723 652,017 198.4 200.1 9.55 9.40 246,390 650,730 198.7 200.5 9.55 9.39 73,923 223,836 200.3 200.8 9.24 9.05
Belgorod Region 72,865 8,461 14,589 193.3 198.2 9.50 9.43 8,433 14,575 193.4 198.2 9.50 9.43 1,241 2,788 201.1 212.9 9.26 9.15
Bryansk Region 48,596 7,449 11,996 194.6 196.0 9.50 9.40 7,435 11,983 194.7 196.0 9.50 9.40 2,166 3,804 193.8 197.8 9.32 9.24
Vladimir Region 59,835 8,895 14,882 196.9 197.7 9.54 9.47 8,886 14,875 196.9 197.8 9.53 9.46 1,905 3,814 197.3 200.9 9.30 9.12
Voronezh Region 108,067 15,877 25,698 200.3 200.2 9.54 9.44 15,832 25,676 200.4 200.3 9.54 9.44 4,288 7,486 199.7 204.0 9.29 9.16
Ivanovo Region 40,379 5,617 8,961 185.5 188.2 9.58 9.46 5,599 8,954 185.6 188.2 9.58 9.46 1,139 2,403 196.2 197.3 9.40 9.01
Kaluga Region 61,784 8,545 17,259 196.0 194.3 9.48 9.32 8,530 17,232 196.1 195.1 9.48 9.32 2,175 4,783 195.2 187.1 9.31 9.14
Kostroma Region 26,655 4,666 6,767 188.3 192.1 9.50 9.46 4,659 6,762 188.4 192.1 9.50 9.46 927 1,617 193.1 188.5 9.32 9.32
Kursk Region 49,923 7,610 11,900 195.0 200.6 9.48 9.41 7,593 11,886 195.1 200.5 9.48 9.41 1,155 2,309 199.3 193.4 9.33 9.24
Lipetsk Region 55,280 7,098 11,423 201.6 204.1 9.54 9.41 7,062 11,407 201.8 204.7 9.53 9.41 1,337 2,713 204.9 209.8 9.35 9.12
Moscow Region 672,858 57,030 172,322 197.5 202.2 9.55 9.39 57,011 172,149 197.6 202.1 9.54 9.39 17,891 59,017 200.0 202.6 9.22 9.02
Orel Region 36,012 5,687 9,139 197.3 202.6 9.45 9.36 5,681 9,123 197.6 202.6 9.45 9.36 1,555 2,798 189.2 176.1 9.21 8.97
Ryazan Region 55,334 8,972 15,563 197.7 196.6 9.51 9.36 8,963 15,548 197.8 197.1 9.51 9.35 3,526 6,408 196.4 192.2 9.38 9.19
Smolensk Region 44,611 5,966 10,438 201.3 205.1 9.48 9.33 5,965 10,437 201.3 205.1 9.48 9.33 1,392 2,852 204.3 212.2 9.32 9.14
Tambov Region 42,469 6,139 10,432 205.3 205.9 9.51 9.38 6,128 10,428 205.4 206.0 9.50 9.37 1,663 3,113 205.6 205.1 9.37 9.20
Tver Region 65,155 9,352 17,095 202.2 206.7 9.52 9.42 9,347 17,093 202.2 206.7 9.52 9.42 1,974 4,272 202.3 203.7 9.34 9.12
Tula Region 81,064 10,287 19,198 196.5 202.8 9.53 9.41 10,284 19,197 196.5 202.8 9.53 9.41 2,829 5,818 197.6 202.5 9.35 9.16
Yaroslavl Region 62,899 8,535 13,655 187.3 190.7 9.56 9.43 8,522 13,625 187.4 190.6 9.56 9.43 1,662 3,228 193.9 199.3 9.38 9.19
Moscow 1,192,473 60,537 260,699 200.4 199.5 9.58 9.41 60,460 259,783 200.9 200.4 9.58 9.39 25,098 104,614 201.7 200.7 9.20 9.01
NORTH-WESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,076,763 122,291 265,122 188.6 190.2 9.57 9.37 122,104 264,773 188.8 190.2 9.57 9.37 43,503 100,827 188.5 188.4 9.38 9.15
Republic of Karelia 38,931 5,218 8,714 182.5 184.7 9.46 9.35 5,205 8,708 182.6 184.7 9.46 9.35 1,629 3,174 189.0 195.7 9.30 9.16
Republic of Komi 61,365 8,568 15,483 183.4 186.5 9.47 9.26 8,566 15,482 183.4 186.4 9.47 9.26 2,120 4,256 176.1 177.8 9.29 9.12
Arkhangelsk Region 75,143 10,772 19,980 179.1 182.8 9.36 9.26 10,749 19,969 179.2 182.8 9.36 9.26 2,414 5,304 175.2 172.3 9.38 9.21
including Nenets Autonomous Area 3,268 378 905 183.7 177.6 6.64 6.12 378 905 183.7 177.6 6.64 6.12 71 171 173.0 156.2 9.04 9.31
Arkhangelsk Region excluding Nenets Autonomous Area 71,875 10,394 19,075 178.9 183.0 9.50 9.36 10,371 19,064 178.9 183.0 9.50 9.36 2,343 5,132 175.3 172.5 9.39 9.20
Vologda Region 63,565 10,670 15,109 184.4 185.0 9.56 9.37 10,641 15,096 184.5 185.0 9.55 9.37 2,467 4,157 189.2 181.0 9.33 9.05
Kaliningrad Region 61,422 7,250 12,808 186.4 186.4 9.63 9.45 7,236 12,758 187.1 186.5 9.62 9.45 2,627 4,552 183.1 185.1 9.43 9.20
Leningrad Region 128,929 14,710 32,730 192.4 199.2 9.61 9.43 14,685 32,674 192.5 199.3 9.60 9.43 5,334 12,297 192.5 196.7 9.41 9.14
Murmansk Region 62,092 5,688 10,695 170.6 166.3 9.51 9.40 5,686 10,695 170.6 166.3 9.51 9.41 1,676 3,961 170.9 164.0 9.35 9.21
Novgorod Region 30,602 4,424 7,207 190.5 192.9 9.49 9.26 4,412 7,198 190.6 192.9 9.49 9.26 1,115 2,152 186.1 188.3 9.22 8.91
Pskov Region 28,857 3,761 5,986 190.6 191.0 9.50 9.32 3,709 5,963 191.3 191.1 9.50 9.32 997 1,894 192.0 199.1 9.39 9.14
Saint Petersburg 525,858 51,230 136,410 192.0 192.4 9.61 9.38 51,215 136,231 192.2 192.4 9.61 9.38 23,124 59,081 191.3 190.8 9.39 9.15
SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 702,856 82,087 144,542 201.7 206.4 9.61 9.47 82,014 144,478 201.7 206.4 9.61 9.47 24,397 45,544 203.9 206.1 9.43 9.22
Republic of Adygeya (Adygeya) 18,097 1,741 2,883 201.7 211.9 9.66 9.48 1,737 2,880 201.9 211.9 9.65 9.48 452 801 212.1 218.5 9.37 9.04
Republic of Kalmykia 14,699 1,825 3,565 204.4 213.3 9.53 9.41 1,825 3,565 204.4 213.3 9.53 9.41 459 1,132 209.1 209.9 9.38 9.24
Republic of Crimea 24,210 2,044 4,162 213.7 224.7 10.26 10.27 2,044 4,162 213.7 224.7 10.26 10.27 863 1,673 211.5 223.1 9.98 10.13
Krasnodar Territory 278,559 30,621 54,189 206.1 208.8 9.63 9.46 30,601 54,167 206.1 208.7 9.63 9.46 11,015 19,330 207.6 206.5 9.44 9.16
Astrakhan Region 46,734 5,502 9,611 203.7 214.0 9.49 9.34 5,502 9,611 203.7 214.0 9.49 9.34 921 1,996 205.1 229.8 9.35 9.03
Volgograd Region 109,878 15,025 24,436 195.6 203.3 9.54 9.41 15,012 24,429 195.6 203.3 9.54 9.41 2,938 5,793 197.2 202.3 9.38 9.23
Rostov Region 206,191 24,669 44,261 197.8 200.6 9.57 9.42 24,633 44,229 197.8 200.6 9.56 9.42 7,467 14,244 199.6 200.1 9.37 9.16
Sevastopol 4,488 660 1,435 205.2 202.2 10.29 9.99 660 1,435 205.2 202.2 10.29 9.99 282 573 206.3 211.4 10.07 9.68
NORTH-CAUCASIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 216,749 22,881 41,243 203.3 205.0 9.57 9.45 22,872 41,236 203.3 204.8 9.57 9.45 4,131 8,666 203.7 209.5 9.37 9.22
Republic of Daghestan 28,243 2,658 6,300 213.6 215.5 9.53 9.37 2,658 6,300 213.6 215.5 9.53 9.37 502 1,480 219.0 223.7 9.36 9.19
Republic of Ingushetia 3,209 104 287 175.1 160.9 9.65 9.46 104 287 175.1 160.9 9.65 9.46 36 77 259.9 258.1 9.44 9.31
Kabardino-Balkar Republic 19,930 2,064 4,004 203.7 197.9 9.58 9.44 2,061 3,999 203.9 197.9 9.58 9.44 335 771 206.6 192.9 9.48 9.26
Karachai-Cherkess Republic 12,892 1,328 2,236 210.2 215.5 9.75 9.57 1,328 2,236 210.2 215.5 9.75 9.57 158 324 214.1 202.0 9.49 9.39
Republic of North Ossetia - Alania 22,714 2,022 4,092 196.5 194.1 9.62 9.47 2,019 4,091 196.5 194.6 9.62 9.47 490 1,053 199.5 207.6 9.45 9.20
Chechen Republic 14,561 591 1,304 203.0 226.1 9.73 9.85 591 1,304 203.0 226.1 9.73 9.85 78 253 210.4 289.1 9.67 9.88
Stavropol Territory 115,200 14,114 23,019 201.4 203.3 9.54 9.44 14,111 23,019 201.4 202.8 9.53 9.44 2,532 4,708 197.3 198.3 9.30 9.14
VOLGA FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,564,030 252,524 403,890 191.5 194.1 9.55 9.42 250,423 402,680 191.9 194.2 9.55 9.42 55,677 103,683 192.1 192.5 9.26 9.05
Republic of Bashkortostan 226,891 38,413 63,496 182.7 186.2 9.58 9.48 37,674 63,156 183.3 185.2 9.56 9.47 9,183 17,307 183.7 185.2 9.38 9.19
Mari El Republic 30,474 5,674 8,282 188.4 193.7 9.51 9.30 5,671 8,280 188.5 193.8 9.50 9.30 1,255 2,108 190.5 189.2 9.36 9.07
Republic of Mordovia 33,980 5,659 9,748 203.9 207.9 9.45 9.32 5,574 9,710 204.6 207.9 9.45 9.32 1,457 3,118 204.7 200.7 9.28 9.12
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 226,751 39,404 65,631 185.5 188.4 9.55 9.39 38,648 65,141 186.7 189.3 9.54 9.38 8,155 16,698 192.4 192.2 9.07 8.96
Udmurt Republic 85,986 14,294 20,871 188.9 189.2 9.56 9.44 14,182 20,800 189.3 189.8 9.56 9.43 3,446 6,007 190.6 193.0 9.33 9.05
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 61,674 12,926 20,182 198.0 201.9 9.45 9.31 12,902 20,177 198.1 201.9 9.45 9.31 4,124 7,035 192.8 186.5 9.27 8.96
Perm Territory 157,926 22,543 36,020 192.6 194.4 9.65 9.46 22,527 35,999 192.6 194.3 9.65 9.46 5,145 9,468 192.3 195.5 9.42 9.23
Kirov Region 62,829 12,648 18,031 198.2 200.1 9.50 9.39 12,627 18,012 198.4 200.2 9.50 9.39 2,398 4,285 203.3 198.0 9.31 9.11
Nizhny Novgorod Region 169,932 22,988 40,096 191.3 195.0 9.56 9.45 22,947 40,061 191.4 195.1 9.56 9.45 4,788 9,648 193.9 194.4 9.30 9.01
Orenburg Region 103,923 17,641 26,592 198.0 201.5 9.50 9.38 17,418 26,498 198.6 202.2 9.50 9.38 3,686 6,045 192.2 201.7 9.17 8.90
Penza Region 57,353 8,775 13,864 195.9 196.7 9.51 9.39 8,761 13,846 196.1 196.7 9.50 9.39 2,240 3,932 193.2 188.8 9.29 9.02
Samara Region 181,888 24,636 40,428 195.5 199.0 9.55 9.42 24,601 40,371 195.7 199.1 9.55 9.42 4,782 9,256 191.2 187.6 9.08 8.78
Saratov Region 106,311 16,148 25,272 201.4 198.4 9.58 9.52 16,144 25,269 201.4 198.4 9.58 9.52 2,293 4,546 204.9 207.4 9.37 9.22
Ulyanovsk Region 58,112 10,775 15,376 189.5 195.2 9.53 9.39 10,747 15,361 189.6 195.3 9.53 9.39 2,725 4,230 189.9 197.0 9.35 9.14
URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT 866,571 117,119 217,455 193.1 194.6 9.63 9.44 116,586 216,931 193.4 194.9 9.63 9.44 25,471 54,140 190.9 190.0 9.43 9.23
Kurgan Region 38,600 6,018 8,908 204.4 205.3 9.53 9.37 6,010 8,901 204.5 205.3 9.52 9.37 1,040 1,788 207.3 209.1 9.45 9.07
Sverdlovsk Region 287,834 35,731 67,561 194.0 196.0 9.63 9.42 35,708 67,353 194.4 196.2 9.63 9.42 9,536 20,199 193.0 189.9 9.45 9.22
Tyumen Region 354,071 44,882 99,282 199.5 200.3 9.62 9.42 44,729 99,152 199.6 200.5 9.62 9.42 10,298 24,090 190.5 189.6 9.41 9.27
including Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra 172,258 21,357 50,051 194.5 195.3 9.64 9.39 21,316 50,013 194.5 195.5 9.63 9.39 4,270 10,675 182.0 182.3 9.38 9.10
including Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 65,763 7,736 20,153 201.8 197.8 9.47 9.09 7,680 20,099 202.0 197.9 9.47 9.09 2,004 5,568 191.3 190.2 9.29 9.18
Tyumen Region, excluding Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area - Yugra and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area 116,049 15,789 29,078 206.6 209.9 9.69 9.66 15,733 29,039 206.7 210.1 9.68 9.65 4,024 7,846 201.6 199.5 9.53 9.57
Chelyabinsk Region 186,067 30,488 41,704 173.7 177.6 9.69 9.55 30,139 41,526 174.3 177.9 9.69 9.55 4,597 8,063 183.3 187.1 9.42 9.20
SIBERIAN FEDERAL DISTRICT 1,070,677 147,595 245,661 187.9 189.3 9.56 9.39 147,493 245,547 187.9 189.4 9.56 9.39 27,443 53,665 188.1 187.1 9.38 9.13
Altai Republic 8,667 740 973 181.6 186.0 9.70 9.37 739 972 181.7 186.0 9.70 9.37 93 168 181.8 173.8 9.34 9.25
Republic of Buryatia 43,263 4,599 7,713 175.5 182.9 9.50 9.37 4,590 7,709 175.6 182.9 9.50 9.37 728 1,437 178.6 190.5 9.26 9.21
Republic of Tuva 15,126 1,479 3,183 189.6 188.5 9.48 9.44 1,479 3,183 189.6 188.5 9.48 9.44 68 180 196.0 165.7 8.68 9.23
Republic of Khakassia 25,007 3,617 5,473 178.5 176.3 9.52 9.40 3,612 5,439 179.0 176.4 9.52 9.40 595 1,033 179.3 172.6 9.34 9.25
Altai Territory 104,289 17,978 25,177 188.4 189.3 9.57 9.35 17,957 25,168 188.4 189.3 9.57 9.35 3,917 6,313 190.7 189.9 9.38 9.05
Trans-Baikal Territory 50,417 5,844 10,919 184.3 183.8 9.48 9.34 5,844 10,919 184.3 183.8 9.48 9.34 825 1,947 184.6 178.0 9.42 9.06
Krasnoyarsk Territory 180,562 25,242 44,147 180.3 181.0 9.58 9.37 25,237 44,142 180.3 181.0 9.58 9.37 6,496 13,083 175.0 175.1 9.41 9.09
Irkutsk Region 150,855 18,201 30,950 178.6 181.5 9.55 9.42 18,177 30,929 178.7 181.6 9.54 9.42 2,895 5,732 175.7 177.3 9.37 9.17
Kemerovo Region 136,921 19,848 29,347 176.3 176.5 9.54 9.38 19,842 29,344 176.3 176.5 9.54 9.38 3,058 5,677 178.9 175.7 9.31 9.01
Novosibirsk Region 189,998 26,207 48,811 203.8 205.0 9.61 9.43 26,186 48,784 203.9 205.4 9.61 9.42 6,380 12,847 207.0 204.6 9.42 9.24
Omsk Region 103,984 15,477 24,757 203.4 206.4 9.55 9.42 15,468 24,748 203.4 206.5 9.55 9.42 1,597 3,466 202.6 203.1 9.34 9.13
Tomsk Region 61,589 8,363 14,211 186.7 185.8 9.54 9.33 8,362 14,210 186.7 185.8 9.54 9.33 791 1,784 195.6 206.6 9.20 8.65
FAR-EASTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT 427,739 45,614 104,215 189.7 192.8 9.56 9.46 45,472 104,123 189.8 192.9 9.56 9.46 8,689 22,754 184.0 184.6 9.39 9.16
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 83,251 9,549 24,697 191.1 192.5 9.65 9.54 9,434 24,640 191.4 192.7 9.65 9.54 2,924 8,073 188.4 185.2 9.54 9.25
Kamchatka Territory 26,041 2,390 5,431 177.3 176.1 9.55 9.51 2,377 5,416 177.6 176.1 9.55 9.51 529 1,348 163.2 167.2 9.42 9.31
Primorye Territory 116,149 11,229 25,009 188.8 194.0 9.57 9.46 11,224 25,003 188.8 194.1 9.57 9.46 1,658 4,064 185.7 191.3 9.32 9.23
Khabarovsk Territory 89,854 10,198 22,002 196.0 200.6 9.52 9.43 10,198 22,002 196.0 200.7 9.52 9.43 1,480 3,800 191.8 197.1 9.27 9.05
Amur Region 46,440 5,798 11,113 188.2 194.0 9.52 9.41 5,795 11,111 188.2 194.0 9.52 9.41 674 1,435 185.4 170.4 9.39 9.14
Magadan Region 14,752 1,626 3,575 180.1 178.7 9.51 9.51 1,624 3,572 180.0 178.7 9.51 9.51 350 927 173.0 188.1 9.40 9.17
Sakhalin Region 39,195 3,430 9,614 188.0 188.6 9.47 9.32 3,426 9,604 188.1 188.6 9.46 9.32 881 2,568 172.2 172.8 9.18 8.90
Jewish Autonomous Region 7,752 986 1,677 190.1 204.1 9.56 9.58 986 1,677 190.1 204.1 9.56 9.58 63 150 185.5 188.0 9.24 9.20
Chukotka Autonomous Area 4,305 408 1,098 175.9 171.2 9.40 9.35 408 1,098 175.9 171.2 9.40 9.35 130 389 169.0 160.8 9.22 9.18

Existing discrepancies between totals and sums of items are due to rounding

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Last updated on: 10.12.2018