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On issuing of coin of base metals

12 May 2017
Press release

On 15 May 2017, the Bank of Russia is to issue a commemorative coin of non-precious metal with par value of 25 rubles ‘Чемпионат мира по практической стрельбе из карабина’ (‘World Championship in Practical Carbine Shooting’).

The coin has a round shape, white colour and a 27.0 mm diameter. The obverse of the coin has a relief rim. The edge of the coin is corrugated.

The obverse of the coin features a relief image of the national emblem of the Russian Federation and a semicircular inscription along the rim: ‘РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ’ (‘RUSSIAN FEDERATION’) framed with paired diamonds on both sides, to the right there is a mint trade mark, at the bottom there is a three-line inscription under the emblem ‘БАНК РОССИИ’ (‘BANK OF RUSSIA’), the coin’s par value ‘25 РУБЛЕЙ’ (‘25 RUBLES’), and the year 2017.

The reverse of the coin features a relief image of the emblem of the World Championship in Practical Carbine Shooting. The inscription along the rim reads ‘ЧЕМПИОНАТ МИРА ПО ПРАКТИЧЕСКОЙ СТРЕЛЬБЕ ИЗ КАРАБИНА’ (‘WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN PRACTICAL CARBINE SHOOTING’), there is a point at the bottom in the centre.

The mintage of the coin is up to 150.0 thousand pcs.

The coin is a legal tender of the Russian Federation. It is obligatory for acceptance for all kinds of payments without any restrictions at their face value.

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