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Over 1.5 million citizens turn to Public Services Portal for credit history bureau data

30 March 2020

In late 2018, the Bank of Russia developed and rolled out a new service for consumers, available through the Public Services Portal: access to data on credit history bureaus (CHBs) that keep credit records. The functionality proved popular with the public, with some 1.56 million consumers having to date availed themselves of it.

The service titled ‘Data on the CHB Storing Credit History’ is currently available at www.gosuslugi.ru, in the ‘Tax and Finance’ section, in the ‘Data on Credit History Bureaus’ subsection.

An individual wishing to send an enquiry should have a confirmed Public Services Portal account. Once the enquiry has been received, the Bank of Russia will send information about the CHB storing the credit history, to the individual’s account. This information includes the bureau name, address, telephone number and a link for the consumer to go online and request their credit report. The service is free if requested twice a year.

In the current context of the coronavirus pandemic, the Bank of Russia recommends citizens against visiting CHB brick-and-mortar offices and make use of online services to find out about their credit histories.

The regulator recommends that credit history bureaus, in turn, ensure that all their services are available in digital form.

Preview photo: Bogdan Sonjachnyj / Shutterstock / Fotodom
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