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On rated entities used to establish the procedure for investing insurer's capital and the list of assets eligible for investment

7 December 2017
Press release

On 27 November 2017, the Bank of Russia Board of Directors adopted a decision that the credit ratings, set in line with the requirements of Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4298-U, dated 22 February 2017, ‘On the Procedure for Investing Insurer’s Capital and the List of Assets Eligible for Investment’ and assigned according to the national rating scale for the Russian Federation in the classification of the joint-stock company Rating Agency Expert RA (JSC Expert RA), shall be applied to credit ratings of regional and municipal authorities of the Russian Federation, banks, and non-financial organisations as well as to financial strength ratings of insurance companies.

This decision shall be applied from the date of its publication.

Decision of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors, dated 29 June 2017 (Minutes No. 14, Section XV On credit ratings assigned according to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4298-U, dated 22 February 2017)


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