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Bank of Russia Bulletin released

5 September 2019
Press release

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 57 (2109) of 5 September 2019 has been released.

The issue presents information about the Bank of Russia Board of Directors’ decisions to retain the countercyclical capital buffer and the risk ratio buffers, to appoint Financial Consumer Ombudsman, to assign credit ratings that are used for the purposes of Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5099-U, dated 22 March 2019, and to include securities in the Bank of Russia Lombard List.

The Credit Institutions section lists credit institutions which comply with the requirements of Russian Federation Government Resolutions No. 1225, dated 31 December 2010, No. 1080, dated 21 December 2011, No. 38, dated 27 January 2012, No. 1396, dated 24 December 2012, and No. 806, dated 10 July 2018, as of 1 August 2019.

The Bulletin presents consolidated statistics on the top 30 Russian banks as of 1 August 2019.

It also publishes Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1971, dated 29.08.2019, on amending Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1759, dated 29 July 2019.

The Non-bank Financial Institutions section contains the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-1976, dated 29.08.2019, on the revocation of a licence to perform mediation activity as insurance broker from Limited Liability Company MSM Rus Insurance Broker;

No. OD-1994, dated 02.09.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration of Limited Liability Company Insurance Company Trudovoye Strakhovanie;

No. OD-2028, dated 03.09.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration of Joint-stock Company National Insurance Company TATARSTAN;

No. OD-2029, dated 03.09.2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration of Joint-stock Company Insurance Company Sibirsky Spas;

No. OD-2043, dated 03.09.2019, on amending Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1839, dated 8 August 2019.

The issue presents consolidated data on financial market sectors and information notices by the Bank of Russia.

The Official Documents section publishes the following materials:

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5221-U, dated 1 August 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4956-U, Dated 2 November 2018, ‘On Requirements for Investment Advisers’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 02.09.2019).

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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