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On the National Financial Board meeting

4 June 2018
Press release

At its meeting conducted on 4 June 2018, the National Financial Board discussed the 2017 Annual Report of the Bank of Russia and the 2017 performance report of the Limited Liability Company Fund of Banking Sector Consolidation Asset Management Company. The meeting also listened to the information of the Bank of Russia Board of Directors on the key issues of the Bank of Russia’s activities in 2018 Q1.

The Board approved the Bank of Russia’s 2017 statement of personnel costs, pension provision, life and medical insurance of Bank of Russia employees, capital investment and other general administrative costs.

The National Financial Board engaged the consortium of Ernst & Young LLC and FinExpertiza LLC to audit the Bank of Russia’s annual financial statements for 2018.

The National Financial Board approved Bank of Russia regulations related to the accounting record-keeping at the Bank of Russia.

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