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Bank of Russia Bulletin released

25 June 2019
Press release

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 42 (2094) of 25 June 2019 has been released.

The Credit Institutions section presents a review of key indicators of the domestic foreign cash market in April 2019.

The Bulletin publishes the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-1381, dated 18 June 2019, on amending Appendix 1 to Bank of Russia Order No. OD‑2853, dated 31 October 2018;

No. OD-1426, dated 21 June 2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD‑1225, dated 31 May 2019.

The Non-bank Financial Institutions section contains the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-1400, dated 19 June 2019, on appointing the provisional administration to the consumer credit cooperative Pervy Severny;

No. OD-1417, dated 20 June 2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD‑1091, dated 14 May 2019;

No. OD-1418, dated 20 June 2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD‑1091, dated 14 May 2019;

No. OD-1419, dated 20 June 2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD‑1091, dated 14 May 2019;

No. OD-1420, dated 20 June 2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration of the limited liability company Central Insurance Company.

The issue presents consolidated data on financial market sectors and information notices by the Bank of Russia.

The Official Documents section publishes the following materials:

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5065‑U, dated 31 January 2019, ‘On the Procedure for the Bank of Russia to Apply Measures Envisaged by Article 325-1 of the Federal Law ‘On the Organisation of the Insurance Business in the Russian Federation’ to Insurance Entities’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 21 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5069‑U, dated 11 February 2019, ‘On the Procedure for the Bank of Russia to Provide Services Related to Transmission of Electronic Messages on Financial Transactions to the Federal Treasury and its Territorial Bodies’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 18 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5129-U, dated 22 April 2019, ‘On the Procedure for Legal Entities Specified in Clauses 1, 3–7, 11 and 12 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 224-FZ, Dated 27 July 2010, ‘On Countering the Misuse of Insider Information and Market Manipulation and Amending Certain Laws of the Russian Federation’ to Submit the Insider List to the Trade Organiser through which Transactions with Financial Instruments, Foreign Currency and (or) Commodities are Conducted at its Request’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 11 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5130-U, dated 22 April 2019, ‘On the Procedure for Insiders to Submit to the Bank of Russia Notifications Containing Insider Information Not Subject to Disclosure’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 11 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5139-U, dated 6 May 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4512-U, Dated 30 August 2017, ‘On the Volume and Procedure for Authorised Banks Acting as Foreign Exchange Control Agents to Transfer Information to Foreign Exchange Control Bodies’ (becomes effective 90 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 17 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5141-U, dated 13 May 2019, ‘On Invalidating Certain Bank of Russia Regulations Regarding the Form and Timeframes for Submission to the Bank of Russia of Payment System Reports by Payment System Operators and the Methodology for Their Preparation’ (becomes effective after entering into force of Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5142‑U, dated 13 May 2019, ‘On the Form and Timeframes for Submission to the Bank of Russia of Payment System Reports by Payment System Operators and the Methodology for Their Preparation’; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 11 June 2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5142-U, dated 13 May 2019, ‘On the Form and Timeframes for Submission to the Bank of Russia of Payment System Reports by Payment System Operators and the Methodology for Their Preparation’ (becomes effective 10 days after the official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 11 June 2019).

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