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Bank of Russia analytical commentaries in November: publication schedule

1 November 2019
Press release

The Bank of Russia intends to publish the following regular materials on its website in November 2019:

No. Publication Publication date
1 Financial Market Risks Review, information and analytical commentary 07.11.2019
2 Banking Sector Liquidity and Financial Markets, information and analytical commentary 08.11.2019
3 Consumer Price Indices, information bulletin 13.11.2019
4 Consumer Price Dynamics, information and analytical commentary 14.11.2019
5 Assessment of Underlying Inflation 15.11.2019
6 News Index of Business Activity 20.11.2019
7 Russian Banking Sector Developments, information and analytical commentary 21.11.2019
8 Economy, information and analytical commentary 29.11.2019

The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.

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