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Methodological Materials

RUONIA represents an interest rate indicator calculated as the weighted average interest rate used by Russian credit institutions, included in the list of RUONIA participants approved by the Bank of Russia (list of RUONIA Panel Banks), to conduct unsecured overnight ruble lending operations.

RUONIA Average and RUONIA compounded index, using which market participants may calculate on their own interest rates for any (non-standard) reference periods, are calculated for each day based on RUONIA (using the compounded interest formula on business days for which RUONIA was calculated, simple interest formula is used for weekends and days, for which RUONIA was not calculated) and published on the Bank of Russia website on the RUONIA calculation days.

The list of RUONIA Panel Banks is compiled from credit institutions selected on the basis of a set of features, such as financial parameters, credit ratings, level of activity in the interbank market, etc.

Amendments to the methodology of RUONIA and the list of RUONIA Panel Banks are to be coordinated with the Committee for RUONIA Supervision and approved by the Bank of Russia Governor.

approved on 29.11.2021; applied since calculation for 30.11.2021
applied since calculation for 10.02.2025
Department responsible for publication: Statistics Department
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Last updated on: 10.02.2025