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MosPrime Rate

We hereby notify all parties concerned that information will not be updated further.
Date ON 1W 2W 1M 2M 3M 6M
01.03.2022 20.88 21.38 21.63 22.65 23.50 24.05 24.63
28.02.2022 20.39 20.96 21.01 20.96 22.44 23.48 24.52
25.02.2022 9.81 10.16 10.31 10.46 11.10 11.66 12.31
24.02.2022 9.93 10.21 10.33 10.45 10.80 11.35 11.83
22.02.2022 9.68 9.82 9.90 10.11 10.50 10.97 11.23

MosPrime Rate (Moscow Prime Offered Rate) is the National Foreign Exchange Association (NFEA) fixing of reference rate based on the offer rates of Russian Ruble deposits as quoted by Contributor Banks — the leading participants of the Russian money market to the first class financial institutions. MosPrime Rate is calculated for the tenors of 1 day (overnight), 1 week, 2 weeks, 1, 2, 3 and 6 months. The starting day of the contract period is “tomorrow” (TOM), except overnight rate. NFEA’s partner in rate calculation is Thomson Reuters.

The list of Contributor Banks is determined by the NFEA Board.

MosPrime Rate is published every business day at 12:30 Moscow time on pages <MOSPRIME1 >, <MOSPRIME=> in Reuters and on NFEA’s official site.

More information about MosPrime Rate is published on NFEA’s official site — www.nfa.ru.

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Last updated on: 01.03.2022