• 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016 Russia
  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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MIACR since 01.08.2000

Turnover volumes
Credit Terms

Weighted Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in rubles

(MIACR - Moscow InterBank Actual Credit Rate)
(% p.a. for ruble credits)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 18.80
16.09.2024 19.05 19.67

Weighted Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in US dollars

(% p.a. for US dollars credits)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 4.34
16.09.2024 4.46

Weighted Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in rubles to Russian banks with high credit rating

(MIACR-IG - Moscow InterBank Actual Credit Rate - Investment Grade)
(% p.a. for ruble credits)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 18.74
16.09.2024 18.98 19.64

Weighted Average Actual Rates on Moscow banks’ credits in rubles to Russian banks with speculative credit rating

(MIACR-B - Moscow InterBank Actual Credit Rate - B-Grade)
(% p.a. for ruble credits)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 18.99
16.09.2024 19.38

Volumes of Moscow banks’ credits in rubles

(millions of rubles)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 527,886.40
16.09.2024 518,629.60 24,000.00

Volumes of Moscow banks’ credits in US dollars

(millions of US dollars)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 14.82
16.09.2024 10.78

Volumes of Moscow banks’ credits in rubles to Russian banks with high credit rating

(millions of rubles)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 400,020.00
16.09.2024 391,668.00 20,800.00

Volumes of Moscow banks’ credits in rubles to Russian banks with speculative credit rating

(millions of rubles)
Date 1 day from 2 to 7 day from 8 to 30 day from 31 to 90 day from 91 to 180 day from 181 to 1 year
17.09.2024 8,000.00
16.09.2024 6,400.00
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