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  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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Deposit Auction Results (extended version)

Type of instrument
Auction date Type of instrument Deposit term Settlement date Maturity date Maximum award amount (billions of rubles) Total bid amount (billions of rubles) Number of participating credit institutions Maximum bid acceptable rate (% p.a.) Min bid rate (% p.a.) Max bid rate (% p.a.) Auction method Cut-off rate (% p.a.) Weighted average rate (% p.a.) Total amount awarded (billions of rubles) Comment
17.09.2024 Main auction 1 week 18.09.2024 25.09.2024 3,200 3,498.7 210 19.00 17.91 19.00 аmerican 18.96 18.88 3,200.0
10.09.2024 Main auction 1 week 11.09.2024 18.09.2024 2,480 2,156.8 173 18.00 17.25 18.00 аmerican 18.00 17.86 2,156.8
10.09.2024 Fine-tuning auction 1 day 10.09.2024 11.09.2024 930 2,162.9 141 18.00 17.60 18.00 american 17.84 17.77 930.0
Data is available from 09.07.2014 to 17.09.2024.
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Last updated on: 17.09.2024