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  • 8 800 300-30-00
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The banking sector liquidity deficit/surplus

(at the beginning of the day)
billions of rubles
Date Liquidity deficit (+)/
surplus (-)
Liquidity deficit (+)/
surplus (-) subject to correspondent account balances fluctuations
including As reference:
the CBR standard monetary policy instruments non-standard CBR monetary policy instruments (including SM)* Correspondent account balances of credit institutions with the Bank of Russia Required Reserves to be Averaged on Correspondent Accounts**
the CBR claims on the banking sector including the CBR liabilities to the banking sector including
auctions standing facilities deposits the CBR coupon bonds
REPOs and buy/sell FX swaps secured loans REPOs and buy/sell FX swaps secured loans auctions standing facilities
1 2 = 4 - 9 + 13 - 14 + 15 3 = 4 - 9 + 13 4 = 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 5 6 7 8 9 = 10 + 11 + 12 10 11 12 13 14 15
22.02.2022 -531.9 -273.5 1,130.8 199.1 0 48.7 883.1 1,604.6 1,473.5 131.1 0 200.3 3,563 3,304.6
21.02.2022 -566.6 -375.6 1,039.9 199.1 0 49.1 791.7 1,615.6 1,473.5 142.1 0 200.1 3,495.6 3,304.6
18.02.2022 -602.3 -325.9 1,072.9 199.8 0 48 825.2 1,598.9 1,473.5 125.4 0 200.1 3,581 3,304.6
17.02.2022 -399.8 -276.9 1,125.6 199.8 0 48.7 877.2 1,602.6 1,473.5 129.1 0 200.1 3,427.5 3,304.6
16.02.2022 -508.4 -136.9 972.8 129.1 0 48.6 795.2 1,309.7 1,124.1 185.6 0 200 3,676.1 3,304.6
15.02.2022 -526.4 162.9 1,289.6 131.9 0 47.7 1,110.1 1,326.6 1,124.7 201.9 0 199.8 3,993.9 3,304.6
14.02.2022 -742.5 252.8 1,346.5 132.6 0 88.9 1,125.1 1,293.5 1,124.7 168.8 0 199.8 4,299.9 3,304.6
11.02.2022 -821.1 205 1,235.1 132.6 0 53.4 1,049.1 1,230 1,124.7 105.3 0 199.9 4,330.6 3,304.6
10.02.2022 -1,009.7 525.8 1,562 132.6 0 54.3 1,375.1 1,236 1,124.7 111.3 0 199.8 4,840.1 3,304.6
09.02.2022 -1,041.4 -1,975 1,386.5 132.6 0 53.8 1,200.1 3,561.2 3,296.3 264.9 0 199.8 2,311 3,244.6
08.02.2022 -949.9 -1,504 1,167.3 132.6 0 54.6 980.1 2,859.1 2,446 413.1 0 187.9 2,690.5 3,244.6
07.02.2022 -788.1 -1,369.3 1,081.9 132.6 0 54.3 895.1 2,651.8 2,446 205.8 0 200.5 2,663.4 3,244.6
04.02.2022 -429.7 -1,132.8 1,308.5 133.1 0 55.3 1,120.1 2,641.3 2,446 195.3 0 200 2,541.5 3,244.6
03.02.2022 -626.5 -1,278.8 1,152.6 133.1 0 54.4 965.1 2,631.6 2,446 185.6 0 200.2 2,592.3 3,244.6
02.02.2022 -595.2 -187.1 1,149.4 133.6 0 55.7 960.1 1,535.5 1,020 515.5 0 199 3,652.7 3,244.6
01.02.2022 -626.3 -108.5 1,121.6 133.6 0 57.1 930.9 1,429.6 1,020 409.6 0 199.5 3,762.4 3,244.6
31.01.2022 -639.9 142.5 1,211.5 133.6 0 57.1 1,020.9 1,269.4 1,020 249.4 0 200.4 4,027 3,244.6
28.01.2022 -332 48.6 1,071.3 133.6 0 57.7 880.1 1,223.5 1,020 203.5 0 200.7 3,625.2 3,244.6
27.01.2022 -37 435.3 1,440.6 133.6 0 56.9 1,250.2 1,206 1,020 186 0 200.7 3,716.9 3,244.6
26.01.2022 -25.6 -434.1 1,244.3 133.7 0 49.8 1,060.8 1,879.9 1,755.7 124.2 0 201.4 2,836.1 3,244.6
25.01.2022 -934.7 -609.5 1,074.2 136.3 0 52.8 885.1 1,885.2 1,755.7 129.4 0 201.5 3,569.8 3,244.6
24.01.2022 -1,162.1 -711 967.8 136.3 0 46.4 785.1 1,879.7 1,755.7 124 0 200.9 3,695.7 3,244.6
21.01.2022 -1,258.7 -729.7 958.7 136.4 0 52.2 770.1 1,890.2 1,755.7 134.5 0 201.8 3,773.6 3,244.6
20.01.2022 -1,346.3 -697.6 1,010.1 136.4 0 53.6 820.1 1,909.4 1,755.7 153.7 0 201.7 3,893.3 3,244.6
19.01.2022 -1,165.4 -1,089.8 1,159.7 136.8 0 52.9 970.1 2,451.3 2,279 172.3 0 201.8 3,320.2 3,244.6
18.01.2022 -1,129.9 -1,113.9 1,121.7 137.9 0 48.7 935.1 2,437.2 2,279 158.2 0 201.6 3,260.6 3,244.6
17.01.2022 -1,208.4 -1,309.4 933.2 141.1 0 0 792.1 2,444.5 2,279 165.5 0 201.8 3,143.5 3,244.6
14.01.2022 -1,265.6 -1,104 1,127.6 142.6 0 0 985.1 2,434 2,279 155.1 0 202.4 3,406.2 3,244.6
13.01.2022 -1,276 -1,012.2 1,184.5 144.4 0 0 1,040.1 2,399.7 2,279 120.7 0 203 3,508.4 3,244.6
12.01.2022 -1,111.7 -2,814.1 1,331.5 116.3 0 0.2 1,215.1 4,348.9 4,064.8 284 0 203.2 1,505 3,207.4
11.01.2022 -1,236.3 -2,036.8 1,381.4 116.3 0 0 1,265.1 3,621.6 3,224.3 397.3 0 203.5 2,406.9 3,207.4
10.01.2022 -1,267.1 -1,784.1 999 116.3 0 2.6 880.1 2,986.8 1,625.9 1,360.9 0 203.7 2,690.3 3,207.4
01.01.2022 -1,134.3 -1,691.1 909 116.3 0 2.6 790.1 2,803.8 1,625.9 1,177.9 0 203.7 2,650.6 3,207.4
30.12.2021 -388.1 -756.6 1,121.5 116.3 0 0 1,005.1 2,067.7 1,625.9 441.9 0 189.7 2,838.9 3,207.4
29.12.2021 -370.5 -722.7 1,167.9 116.3 0 0 1,051.6 2,075.9 1,611.8 464.1 0 185.3 2,855.2 3,207.4
28.12.2021 428.7 -265.7 1,362.5 116.3 0 0 1,246.1 1,810.7 1,611.8 198.9 0 182.6 2,513 3,207.4
27.12.2021 -240.3 -921.8 1,459.3 116.3 0 6.2 1,336.8 2,563.4 2,441.3 122.1 0 182.3 2,525.9 3,207.4
24.12.2021 -894.2 -787.7 1,058.8 116.3 0 6.4 936.1 2,028.3 1,611.8 416.5 0 181.8 3,313.9 3,207.4
23.12.2021 -866.3 -439.5 1,229.3 116.3 0 6.9 1,106.2 1,849.6 1,611.8 237.8 0 180.7 3,634.1 3,207.4
22.12.2021 -922.6 -42 1,076.8 116.3 0 9.3 951.1 1,299.1 1,007.2 292 0 180.4 4,088 3,207.4
21.12.2021 -1,136.8 112.3 1,106.7 116.3 0 9.3 981.1 1,174.7 1,007.2 167.5 0 180.2 4,456.5 3,207.4
20.12.2021 -1,228.3 65.2 1,021.8 116.3 0 9.3 896.2 1,136.7 1,007.2 129.5 0 180.1 4,500.8 3,207.4
17.12.2021 -1,141.9 128.6 1,067.9 116.3 0 10.4 941.1 1,118.8 1,007.2 111.6 0 179.6 4,477.9 3,207.4
16.12.2021 -1,320.8 -11.7 932.8 116.3 0 9.3 807.1 1,123.3 1,007.2 116.2 0 178.9 4,516.5 3,207.4
15.12.2021 -1,370.8 -77.7 1,062 116.3 0 9.5 936.1 1,318.5 1,007.4 311.1 0 178.8 4,500.4 3,207.4
14.12.2021 -927.4 29 952 116.3 0 9.6 826.1 1,102.1 1,007.4 94.7 0 179.1 4,163.7 3,207.4
13.12.2021 -1,180.8 -142.1 782.1 116.3 0 9.6 656.1 1,103.2 1,007.4 95.8 0 179 4,246.1 3,207.4
10.12.2021 -1,294.3 -129.5 792 116.3 0 9.6 666.1 1,100.6 1,007.4 93.2 0 179 4,372.1 3,207.4
09.12.2021 -1,404.2 -239.1 691.9 116.3 0 9.5 566.1 1,110.1 1,007.4 102.6 0 179.1 4,372.5 3,207.4
08.12.2021 -1,539.1 -2,309.2 736.1 126.7 0 15.6 593.8 3,224.2 2,855.1 205 164.1 178.9 2,378.8 3,148.9
07.12.2021 -1,411.8 -2,159.3 822.8 126.7 0 9.6 686.5 3,161.3 2,849 148.2 164.1 179.2 2,401.4 3,148.9
06.12.2021 -859.9 -1,490.5 1,012.5 126.7 0 9.6 876.2 2,681.9 2,420 97.8 164.1 178.9 2,518.2 3,148.9
03.12.2021 -441.4 -808.3 1,187.9 126.7 0 9.7 1,051.4 2,175.4 1,860 151.4 164 179.2 2,781.9 3,148.9
02.12.2021 -514 -912.7 1,123 126.7 0 4.9 991.3 2,214.5 1,860 190.6 163.9 178.9 2,750.2 3,148.9
01.12.2021 -682.4 -339.5 1,029.2 126.7 0 46.1 856.3 1,547.4 1,240 143.5 163.9 178.8 3,491.8 3,148.9
30.11.2021 -417.8 -408.6 953.3 126.7 0 0.2 826.3 1,542.1 1,240 138.2 163.9 180.2 3,158 3,148.9
29.11.2021 -609.8 -573.1 798.3 126.7 0 15.2 656.3 1,551.4 1,240 147.6 163.8 180 3,185.6 3,148.9
26.11.2021 31.5 -384.3 948.4 126.7 0 14.9 806.8 1,513 1,240 109.3 163.7 180.3 2,733.1 3,148.9
25.11.2021 -1,200.7 -574.3 768.2 126.7 0 14.6 626.8 1,523 1,240 119.3 163.7 180.5 3,775.2 3,148.9
24.11.2021 -1,308.4 -560.4 748.3 126.9 0 14.5 606.8 1,489.5 1,228.1 97.7 163.7 180.8 3,896.9 3,148.9
23.11.2021 -1,255.5 -632.1 678.8 127 0 0 551.8 1,491.8 1,228.1 100.1 163.6 180.9 3,772.3 3,148.9
22.11.2021 -1,360.3 -662.4 658.8 127 0 0 531.8 1,499.9 1,228.1 108.2 163.6 178.6 3,846.7 3,148.9
19.11.2021 -1,287.2 -727.5 593.9 127 0 0.1 466.8 1,499.6 1,228.1 108 163.5 178.3 3,708.6 3,148.9
18.11.2021 -1,452 -793.1 523.9 127 0 0 396.8 1,495.3 1,228.1 103.7 163.5 178.4 3,807.8 3,148.9
17.11.2021 -1,413.3 -891.1 593.2 127.3 0 14 451.9 1,662.6 1,400.3 99 163.4 178.3 3,671.1 3,148.9
16.11.2021 -1,310.6 -1,104.1 385.7 127.4 0 2 256.3 1,668.5 1,400.3 104.8 163.4 178.7 3,355.3 3,148.9
15.11.2021 -1,453.8 -1,089.3 403.7 127.4 0 0 276.3 1,671.6 1,400.3 107.9 163.4 178.6 3,513.4 3,148.9
12.11.2021 -1,560.8 -1,013.3 478.8 127.4 0 0 351.3 1,670.1 1,400.3 106.6 163.3 178.1 3,696.4 3,148.9
11.11.2021 -1,389.5 -929.7 578.8 127.4 0 0 451.3 1,686.6 1,400.3 123.1 163.2 178.1 3,608.7 3,148.9
10.11.2021 -1,563.9 -2,413.5 722.4 127.1 0 5 590.3 3,314.1 2,636.1 209.7 468.3 178.1 2,281.9 3,131.5
09.11.2021 -1,057.3 -1,845 1,088.4 127.1 0 0 961.3 3,112 2,390 253.8 468.2 178.5 2,343.8 3,131.5
08.11.2021 -838.4 -1,850.7 1,004 127.1 0 0 876.9 3,032.3 2,390 174.1 468.2 177.6 2,119.3 3,131.5
03.11.2021 -700 -874.1 453.7 127.1 0 0.3 326.3 1,504.9 820 217.2 467.7 177 2,957.4 3,131.5
02.11.2021 -627.7 -607.5 664 127.1 0 0.4 536.6 1,448.8 820 161.2 467.6 177.2 3,151.7 3,131.5
01.11.2021 -591.2 -438.7 843.9 127.2 0 0.4 716.3 1,461.5 820 174 467.5 178.9 3,284.1 3,131.5

* The net of the CBR claims on the banking sector and the CBR liabilities to the banking sector: the CBR specialized monetary policy instruments, supplementary mechanism of liquidity provision, contractual committed liquidity facility and sell/buy FX swaps.

** Data is also available on the section Required Reserves of Credit Institutions. Until the end of the required reserve regulation period an estimated value is used for calculations. When the actual data is published, the estimated value of the liquidity balance is recalculated and published on the second working day after the end of the regulation period.

Liquidity deficit/surplus is calculated as a difference between the CBR aggregated claims on the banking sector and the CBR aggregated liabilities to the banking sector with the difference between actual correspondent account balances and required reserves to be averaged. Taking into account the difference between actual and required reserves allows to eliminate the impact of bank’s strategies for fulfillment the reserve requirements. The banking sector liquidity deficit is the volume of reserves that the banking sector should borrow from the CBR. The banking sector liquidity surplus is the volume of excess reserves that would accrue on banks’ correspondent accounts barring CBR liquidity management operations.

Liquidity deficit or surplus subject to correspondent account balances fluctuations is calculated as a difference between the CBR aggregated claims on the banking sector and the CBR aggregated liabilities to the banking sector.

Until November 2023 the term liquidity deficit/surplus in the CBR analytics characterized liquidity deficit/surplus subject to correspondent account balances fluctuations. Starting from November 2023 liquidity deficit/surplus that takes into account the difference between actual and required reserves is used in analytics.

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Last updated on: 19.09.2024