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IOSCO World Investor Week in Russia

28 September 2018

1 to 7 October 2018 the Bank of Russia together with the Moscow Exchange will be hosting events for the World Investor Week (WIW), an initiative of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). WIW was first held in 2017 with more than 80 countries participating, Russia among them.

The ever-growing use of innovations and digital technologies in the financial sector dictate new standards for consumer financial awareness and protection. WIW offers a unique opportunity for financial regulators to work in collaboration on investor education promotion and investor protection enhancement at both the local and international level.

Russia along with other countries has planned a series of seminars, conferences, lectures, workshops and other activities to complement this international initiative. Participants will have a chance to listen to experts share their insights, ask questions on the principles and instruments for financing and learn about different opportunities that the stock markets have to offer.

On October, 2 the Bank of Russia YouTube channel will host an on-line marathon that should become one of WIW’s highlights as representatives of the Bank of Russia, the Moscow Exchange and the local stock market will take the floor and talk about various investment products and their features, as well as related risks and how to avoid them.

The 3rd International Conference on Consumer Financial Protection to be held on October, 2-3 in Moscow will focus on raising awareness around importance of promoting investor protection on the financial markets.

On October, 4 the Moscow Exchange will run a series of webinars dedicated to investment opportunities and specifics of investing in the stock, bond, futures and currency markets.

WIW will also bring awareness building activities to the university students in all regions around Russia. This initiative is widely supported by Russian financial institutions, the Bank of Russia Expert Council on Financial Literacy and other financial market participants, all offering different activities to the audience.

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