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Sochi to host 10th AFI Global Policy Forum

30 July 2018

On 5–7 September 2018, Sochi will host the jubilee tenth Global Policy Forum of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI). This is going to be the first AFI Global Forum to take place in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region.

The Global Forum’s topic is ‘Innovation. Inclusion. Impact’. The event, taking place in Sochi's Main Media Centre, will bring together financial regulator representatives of over 90 member countries, who will discuss various focus areas of innovation in financial inclusion and the impact these innovations make across the world.

The Global Forum will form a platform to feature cutting-edge technological solutions and progress in financial inclusion alongside social changes they bring about. The event will help understand to which degree fintech and digital financial services foster financial inclusion and make them more accessible to the most vulnerable social groups.

Annually held, the AFI Global Policy Forum is the key event for its active and ever-growing participants’ network. The Alliance for Financial Inclusion is an international organisation uniting more than 90 financial regulators focusing on financial inclusion. The alliance helps its members shape a global financial inclusion agenda. Alliance members’ objectives comprise representing the interests of financially excluded communities, helping solve their shared problems and opening up new opportunities.

This year marks the tenth AFI Global Policy Forum. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has won the competition to host the event. The Global Forum will be attended by RF Government representatives, Bank of Russia and National Payment System executives, World Bank executives and heads of financial regulators of AFI member states.

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