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Student team guided by the FinCERT awarded with diplomas of the All-Russian Competition of Scientific and Technological Projects held by the Sirius Centre

25 July 2018

A student team guided by employees of the Bank of Russia's Financial Sector Computer Emergency Response Team (FinCERT) was awarded with diplomas of the All-Russian Competition of Scientific and Technological Projects ‘Great Challenges’ that ended in Sochi on 25 July.

The final round of the competition held by the Sirius Education Centre gathered more than 400 young people from across Russia. They created teams to work on high-tech projects.

The FinCERT offered its team a case for developing software to run the express assessment of a bank’s IT systems for potential malware and ensure real-time protection from cyber attacks. Students solved the case in less than a month. The software has been highly praised by Bank of Russia representatives and tested by credit institutions concerned. After some upgrades, it might be used by financial institutions.

‘Staff training is one of the top priorities in the field of information security. That is why it is crucial to support talented young people and help them develop their skills, as well as to challenge them with practical tasks. We hope that the participants of the Sirius Centre competition will become our colleagues one day,’ said Artyom Sychev, acting director of the Bank of Russia Information Security Department.

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