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27th International Financial Congress starts in Saint-Petersburg

6 June 2018

The key topic to be addressed by the International Financial Congress (IFC) this year is ‘The Financial System: Stability for Growth’.

Agenda of Day 0 of the IFC includes the 1st Macroeconomic conference of the Bank of Russia, the 16th International conference of the All-Russian Insurance Association ‘In Search of Growth Areas. Development Strategy’, conference ‘Current Issues in Microfinance’ and several thematic roundtables.

The address by Elvira Nabiullina, Governor of the Bank of Russia, will open the business programme of the congress on 7 June. The plenary session ‘How Does Regulation Affect Financial System Stability and Economic Growth?’ is devoted to changes in the financial sector regulation which have evolved over ten years following the last global financial crisis. Experts are going to discuss the efficiency of financial stability measures and financial market development outlook.

On 8 June, Willem Buiter, Special Economic Advisor, Citigroup, will deliver his speech

This year, the special presentation zone of the IFC will feature financial products and services, and will host various business meetings and events. Participants will have a chance to examine financial sector development trends, listen to recommendations of their peers and learn about technological innovations capable of changing the image of this sector in the years to come.

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