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UIFs for unqualified investors: main 2017 results

27 April 2018

In 2017, the net asset value (NAV) of unit investment funds (UIF) for unqualified investors increased by 68.4 billion rubles to 689.1 billion rubles. This is shown by the funds’ financial statements posted on the Bank of Russia website.

The main driver behind NAV growth throughout the year was the inflow of investors’ funds primarily into open-ended funds focused on retail customers. In total, the NAV of open-ended UIFs increased in 2017 by 85.3 billion rubles while that of interval funds by 0.4 billion rubles. In turn, the NAV of closed-end UIFs declined by 17.3 billion rubles.

The return on investment of open-ended UIFs that attracted the largest amount of investors’ funds during the year and invested in securities market instruments was 8.3% while that of interval funds was 4.4%. Top-5 of the largest open-ended UIFs demonstrated the return of 10.9%. Nearly 70% of all open-ended funds were profitable with the mean return of 5.1%.

Preview photo: Sergey Nivens / shutterstock
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