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First issue of Russian Journal of Money and Finance unveiled

27 March 2018

The Bank of Russia introduces the first issue of Russian Journal of Money and Finance, formerly known as Money and Credit). Starting from 2018, the journal is relaunched to become an essentially scientific quarterly with a primary focus on academic research based on mathematical and economic methods.

The journal's editor-in-chief is BoR First Deputy Governor Ksenia Yudaeva, who oversees research activities at the Bank of Russia. Ksenia Yudaeva holds a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; she has authored multiple scientific publications in economics. She will be supported by her two deputies: Konstantin Styrin and Nadezhda Ivanova, who combine their job duties at the Bank of Russia with research. Of all the most cited economists in Russia, they are within the top quarter (according to a ranking by RePEc, February 2018).

The co-editors’ team is composed of foreign and Russian experts who conduct active research and author publications featured in leading global scientific journals. They will be actively involved in the content selection and review process.

Starting from this year, Russian Journal of Money and Finance will be published in two languages, Russian and English. The Russian version will keep its original name («Деньги и кредит»). The journal will cover the latest developments in the global economic science, mainly in the areas of research related to a central bank's mandate. Also, the global audience will be updated on recent developments in Russian economic thought. Other novelties include open access to the journal: all articles will be available on the Bank of Russian website.

‘All these transformational changes are intended to support further research into macroeconomic and financial trends in emerging market economies, to build a high-profile platform to discuss scientific ideas and to encourage integration between science and practice’, notes Ksenia Yudaeva.


For reference:

Money and Credit is one of the oldest banking periodicals. Launched under this title by the State Bank in 1938, the journal replaced its predecessor, the State Bank Bulletin, which had been issued between 1927 and 1938. Although the periodical can claim two dates of establishment, its starting point will be the date its title was unveiled. The journal was closed down between mid-1941 and 1946 (for four full years).Therefore, the first 2018 issue is numbered Vol. 77 – the ordinal number of the journal with no regard for the break.

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