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Central agenda item for XXVII International Financial Congress announced

10 January 2018

‘The financial system: sustainability for growth’ will top the agenda of the International Financial Congress (IFC) scheduled to take place between 6 and 8 June in St.Petersburg. The topic has been approved by the Congress Organising Committee.

BoR First Deputy Governor Ksenia Yudaeva, the Programme Committee Chair, commented on the choice of the topic:  ‘Economic development is impossible without credit instruments, the capital market, long-term money resources, and the overall maturity of the financial market. Yet, the degree to which financial instruments fit economic needs and sustain growth is determined by the stability and general health of the financial system. This is why we want this year's discussions at the congress to help answer the questions as to what sort of regulation, oversight and government practices / standards work best for both market development and depositor protection, and foster a stronger financial system’.

The agenda of the sessions at the congress will feature current monetary policy issues, changes in banking regulation and the model of banking supervision, as well as the evolution of the pension savings / insurance and overall financial markets. Among the agenda items are also the interaction of crucial financial system components intended to secure its sustainability and economic growth.

The Congress will start with a plenary session titled ‘How regulation impacts on financial system stability and economic growth’.

The International Financial Congress is an annual event organised by the Bank of Russia.

The Congress brings together public authorities, foreign regulators, top banks, financial companies and renowned global and Russian experts.

For further details of the forum or to register as a participant please go to its official site: ibcongress.com.

Preview photo: Sergey Konkov/TASS
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