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Bank of Russia Bulletin released

30 May 2019
Press release

Bank of Russia Bulletin No. 34 (2086) of 30 May 2019 has been released.

The Credit Institutions section presents a review of key indicators of domestic foreign cash market in March 2019.

The Bulletin presents consolidated statistics on top 30 Russian banks as of 1 April 2019.

The Bulletin publishes Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1201, dated 28 May 2019, on the termination of activity of the provisional administration to manage the Togliatti-based credit institution JSC RTS BANK.

The issue presents information on the exclusion of JSC Velton Bank from the register of banks participating in the deposit insurance system.

The Non-bank Financial Institutions section contains the following Bank of Russia orders:

No. OD-1135, dated 20.05.2019, on appointing the provisional administration to PROMYSHLENNYE TRADITSII, limited liability company;

No. OD-1183, dated 24.05.2019, on amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1091, dated 14 May 2019;

No. OD-1184, dated 24.05.2019, on amending Bank of Russia Order No. OD-1135, dated 20.05.2019.

The issue publishes information on the disposal of assets of 1st NPF JSC.

The issue presents consolidated data on financial market sectors and information notices by the Bank of Russia.

The Official Documents section publishes the following materials:

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5096-U, dated 21 March 2019, ‘On the Form and Procedure for Issuers to Submit to the Bank of Russia Notifications Regarding Information Which Cannot Be Disclosed and (or) Provided’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 27.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5124-U, dated 10 April 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3531-U, Dated 12 January 2015, ‘On the Provisional Administration of a Consumer Credit Cooperative’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 24.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5125-U, dated 10 April 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 3689-U, Dated 24 June 2015, ‘On the Provisional Administration of a Microfinance Organisation’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 24.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5131-U, dated 23 April 2019, ‘On Amending the Appendix to Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 4706-U, Dated 25 January 2018, ‘On the List of Official Positions of Employees in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Authorised to Take Out Loans for Personal Needs at the Bank of Russia Exclusively’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 27.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5137-U, dated 6 May 2019, ‘On Amending Bank of Russia Instruction No. 180-I, dated 28 June 2017, ‘On Banks’ Required Ratios’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 27.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 5152-U, dated 23 May 2019, ‘On Invalidating Bank of Russia Regulation No. 286-P, Dated 18 April 2006, ‘On Setting and Publishing Official Exchange Rates of Foreign Currencies Against the Ruble by the Bank of Russia’ (becomes effective 10 days after its official publication; posted on the Bank of Russia website on 24.05.2019);

Bank of Russia Information Letter No. IN-06-28/45, dated 24 May 2019, ‘On Recommendations for a Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) to Participate in Information Technology Development and Management, and in the Management of Information Security Risk at a Public Joint-stock Company’.

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