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Bank of Russia to set and publish exchange rates against ruble and official prices for precious metals, calculate and publish MIACR interest rates

26 марта 2020 года

In view of the Executive Order of the Russian President declaring the week from 30 March through 3 April 2020 non-work days, the Bank of Russia will set and publish official foreign exchange rates against the Russian ruble and official prices for precious metals on the last work day in March 2020, that is, 27 March. These exchange rates and official prices will remain effective from 28 March through 6 April 2020.

From 30 March through 3 April 2020, the Bank of Russia will not calculate MIACR interest rates. The Bank of Russia will resume publishing MIACR interest rates on 6 April 2020 based on data for the last work day in March 2020.

При использовании материала ссылка на Пресс-службу Банка России обязательна.

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