• 12 Neglinnaya Street, Moscow, 107016 Russia
  • 8 800 300-30-00
  • www.cbr.ru
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Bank of Russia Bond Auction Announcements

Auction date Security registered number Settlement date Issue date Maturity date Coupon type Coupon rate Amount offered at par (millions of rubles) Minimum bid acceptable price (%) Schedule*
12.10.2021 4-48-22BR2-1 13.10.2021 10.08.2021 10.11.2021 Floating BoR keyrate for each day of the coupon period 52,572.1 100.0000 10:00:00-10:30:00-10:45:00
05.10.2021 4-48-22BR2-1 06.10.2021 10.08.2021 10.11.2021 Floating BoR keyrate for each day of the coupon period 52,682.0 100.0000 10:00:00-10:30:00-10:45:00
05.10.2021 4-47-22BR2-1 06.10.2021 13.07.2021 13.10.2021 Floating BoR keyrate for each day of the coupon period 110,897.7 100.0000 13:00:00-13:30:00-13:45:00

* Opening time for the submission of bids - closing time for the submission of bids - time for cut-off rate input (Moscow time).

Data is available from 15.08.2017 to 12.10.2021

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Last updated on: 12.10.2021